[Moin-user] Moinmoin authentication

paddu12 at tce.edu paddu12 at tce.edu
Sun Feb 18 05:45:34 EST 2007

>> On Sat, 17 Feb 2007 19:41:55 +0530
>> "Padmashree B" <paddu12 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> What could be the source of the error.
>> Hard to say without the (modified) source... :-)
> I have modified the user.py and here is the modified source
> http://dev.tce.edu/pr/tcenet-wiki/attachment/ticket/3/user1.py
> Please let me know if you can make out the source of the error.

I have modified the function  _validatePassword(self,username,password)
and I have modified User.py to include

                self.connstr='connection parameters'

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