[Moin-user] funny links in tabs

George Georgalis george at galis.org
Sun Oct 21 01:09:15 EDT 2007

Hi! just setup a new moin but I have a strange behavior.  I go
to an arbitrary page, select "Add Link" and get a new tab for
the page, but the tab says, eg "wiki:OrphanedPages" and the link
doesn't work, my browser presents a dropdown saying "wiki is not
a registered protocol"

here is the relevant line from html source:

<li class="wikilink"><a href="/wiki/RecentChanges">RecentChanges</a></li><li class="wikilink"><a href="/wiki/FindPage">FindPage</a></li><li class="wikilink"><a href="/wiki/HelpContents">HelpContents</a></li><li class="userlink"><a href="wiki:OrphanedPages">wiki:OrphanedPages</a></li><li class="current"><a href="/wiki/OrphanedPages">OrphanedPages</a></li>

I'm using moin-1.5.8.tar.gz, did I misconfigure it somehow?

// George

George Georgalis, information system scientist <IXOYE><

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