[Moin-user] pruning / remove from queries

Boris Callens boris.callens.osv at fedex.com
Fri Sep 7 10:39:06 EDT 2007

Dear list,

As I am trying to revive an old and chaotic wiki I was wondering if it is  
possible to move pages out of the system without deleting them.
I don't want to show pages to users, as more readable and up-to-date  
information is provided, but I want to keep them for safety's sake. I  
wouldn't want to end up in a situation where I didn't recreate a part of  
vital information, but deleted the old (source) document.
I first thought of just moving them to a 'OldPages' page, but that would  
still make them show up in TOC's, regexes and searches.
Then I thought of backing up the whole data dir and deleting the pages in  
the running version, but importing pages from a backup is too much of a  
hassle in my current working environment.

It would be handy if I could put a #!Dont_index tag or semething like that.
Any suggestions?

Boris Callens

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