[Moin-user] Control Page Creation

Christoph Ludwig ludwig at fh-worms.de
Thu Sep 27 04:37:23 EDT 2007

On Wed, Sep 26, 2007 at 02:00:19PM -0600, Gnarlodious wrote:
> On 9/26/07, Christoph Ludwig wrote:
> >     acl_rights_default = u"+PageCreatorsGroup:create,delete
> > Known:read,write,revert All:read"
> OK, but reading this page:
> http://master.moinmo.in/HelpOnAccessControlLists
> I can't find the word "create" anywhere. This has caused me to wonder
> if page creation is even controllable.

oops, you are right of course - I failed to doublecheck the permissions you
can control with an ACL. Unless there is already a patch or an extension on
the MoinMoin wiki (I did not look for it), then you need to code it yourself.

I had a short look into the code; I'd try to
 * add

     if not request.user.may.create(self.page_name):
       request.write("<strong>%s</strong><br>" % _("You are not allowed to create this page."))
       # ...

   to the method MoinMoin.Page.Page.send_page(), within the if block that
   starts (in 1.5.7)

     if not page_exists and (not content_only or (content_only and send_missing_page)):

 * add 'create' to acl_rights_valid in your configuration.

and see if that already does the trick. But please be aware: I did not test it
at all. I am not very familiar with the MoinMoin code and architecture, so I
may very well have missed some crucial point or some other, obvious solution
to your problem!


FH Worms - University of Applied Sciences
Fachbereich Informatik / Telekommunikation
Erenburgerstr. 19, 67549 Worms, Germany

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