[Moin-user] Need migration (1.5.8->1.6.2) help
Preben Randhol
randhol+moinmoin at pvv.org
Sat Apr 12 12:54:19 EDT 2008
After struggling for two days I have finally managed to get a new wiki
up and running with the moinmoin 1.6.2. My biggest wished (on a
wishlist) would be that the instance creation and wiki config setup
process could be made more easy. Now after much problems I found out I
have to hand edit where the log file should be stored f.ex. Also more
verbose error messages would help debug what the real problem is.
However I really like moinmoin when it is up and running so please
forgive the frustration venting.
My big headache is still that I cannot manage to migrate all my old
pages. I have followed all recipes I have found on the net but nothing
work unfortunately.
In the end I had to :
$ cd /usr/local/share/moin/server
$ cp /usr/share/python-support/python-moinmoin/MoinMoin/script/moin.py .
$ cp ourwiki.py wikiconfig.py
$ ./moin.py --config-dir=/usr/local/share/moin/ourwiki
--wiki-url=http://localhost/ourwiki/ migration data
Calling migration script for /usr/local/share/moin/ourwiki/data, base
revision 1060200 Final mig script reached, migration is complete.
Just to get the migration script to run without error messages.
So it all seems fine, but when I look at the wiki noting has been
Is is a problem that I sometimes use the Frame or EvenCalender ?
Thanks in advance
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