[Moin-user] Need migration (1.5.8->1.6.2) help

Preben Randhol randhol+moinmoin at pvv.org
Sat Apr 12 15:26:39 EDT 2008

On Sat, 12 Apr 2008 20:19:50 +0200
Thomas Waldmann <tw-public at gmx.de> wrote:

> Hi,
> > After struggling for two days I have finally managed to get a new
> > wiki up and running with the moinmoin 1.6.2.
> Well, you could've join us on the IRC channel before getting too
> frustrated.

Ah didn't know there was a IRC. I'm not too familiar with IRC. I'll
look it up.

> > My biggest wished (on a
> > wishlist) would be that the instance creation and wiki config setup
> > process could be made more easy.
> The problem is that the concrete setup (esp. pathes, users, groups,
> etc.) varies from system to system.

Yes, I can understand that, but if one could just concentrate all the
setup to one or two file in /etc/moin would be great. See below

> But otoh, moin does not really care about pathes, users, groups - you
> just have to make sure that stuff is found and that access rights are
> given.
> > Now after much problems I found out I
> > have to hand edit where the log file should be stored f.ex.
> I don't think I know what you mean.

That I kept getting problems with permission problems in creating
moin.log from the lighttpd logs. After some source code reading I
finally found out I had to edit moin.fcg to include:

    logPath = '/var/log/lighttpd/moin.log'

and not only moin.log

as moin.fcg was in /usr/share/moin/server

The next problem was that the farmwiki don't work like before. My old
setup was that I had the two wikis config files in /etc/moin and that
worked fine. Now one have to move them to the server folder which
wasn't immediately obvious. Although that was my problem because it is
well explained in the error message.

> > Also more
> > verbose error messages would help debug what the real problem is.
> The logging system was further improved for moin 1.7.


> > My big headache is still that I cannot manage to migrate all my old
> > pages. I have followed all recipes I have found on the net but
> > nothing work unfortunately. 
> > 
> > In the end I had to :
> > 
> > $ cd /usr/local/share/moin/server
> > $
> > cp /usr/share/python-support/python-moinmoin/MoinMoin/script/moin.py .
> > $ cp ourwiki.py wikiconfig.py $ ./moin.py
> > --config-dir=/usr/local/share/moin/ourwiki
> > --wiki-url=http://localhost/ourwiki/ migration data
> Sorry, but I don't see how this makes sense. ourwiki.py looks somewhat
> like part of a farm configuration, so I don't understand why you
> rename it to wikiconfig.py and move it to another place.

Maybe I misunderstand, but I have to put the ourwiki.py in
the /usr/local/share/moin/server/ folder as /etc/moin doesn't work

Second when I run the moin.py script like shown above it quitted
saying: that it couldn't find wikiconfig.py

Only when I have a wikiconfig.py it runs.
> > 
> > Calling migration script for /usr/local/share/moin/ourwiki/data,
> > base revision 1060200 Final mig script reached, migration is
> > complete.
> This looks like either
> a) you already did the migration for that data_dir
> b) you tried to migrate the "fresh" data_dir we provide under
> wiki/data/ for new moin users. Of course it doesn't do anything there
> because it already is at 1.6.2 level.

Not sure what is the problem, but I found that migrating by hand is
probably faster than to spend more time trying to get the script to do
it. Luckily it is not so long since I started using moinmoin so I still
doesn't have hundreds of pages :-) I just hope that moinmoin won't need
another migration for the 1.8 or 2.0 versions.

> Maybe you find this useful (it's maybe not the standard procedure, but
> my own way to do migrations):
> http://moinmo.in/ThomasWaldmann/AnotherWayToMigrateFrom1.5To1.6
> Try it and maybe just join us on #moin IRC channel in case you
> encounter problems again.

I did try it, but unfortunately no luck. Anyway i'll do it by hand so
it should be ok in the end. Unfortunately it seems EventCalendar which
is useful doesn't work. But I'll use IRC next time :-)


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