[Moin-user] Icons no longer visible

Stephen Boulet stephen at theboulets.net
Mon Apr 14 20:59:35 EDT 2008

On Apr 8, 2008, at 7:30 AM, Thomas Waldmann wrote:
>> I have a wiki that was working for a while over over apache2 and
>> mod_fastcgi.
>> At the moment, it looks like I just have a text interface to my wiki,
>> and not the usual icons and widgets. I can access the content.
>> Any pointers to getting the graphical interface back?
> It is likely that your web server is not serving the static stuff
> correctly (css, images, js).
> moin 1.5 used to use /wiki url as default url_prefix setting to  
> address
> those resources. Thus, your apache needed to serve the /wiki url with
> the htdocs/... files that come with moin.
> Because this was a constant source of misunderstandings and upgrade
> problems, moin 1.6.0 and future moin versions are a bit different,  
> they
> use /moin_static160 as default url_prefix_static setting (note the
> different name of the setting and also not that the number in that url
> changes with every moin version!).

Thanks for the answer. I'm actually not on version 1.6.x yet, I'm  
still using version 1.5.7-3ubuntu2 of python-moinmoin. I tried  
copying /usr/share/moin/htdocs to my wiki location, changing the  
ownership to www-data.www-data, but still no static content.


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