[Moin-user] A question about TableOfContents macro.

Miguel Da Silva - Centro de Matemática mdasilva at cmat.edu.uy
Tue Apr 15 13:25:08 EDT 2008

I migrated a wikifarm from Moinmoin 1.3 to 1.5.8 and everything went 
fine. I have to make some adjustments and the server side (I mean, at 
Apache side) and also tune the Moinmoin configuration.

Now, I'm facing a problem that seems to be related to the 
TableOfContents macro. Some wikis use this macro and when the any page 
of this wiki loads, the table of contents appears quite weird. Here is 
an example:

<a class="nonexistent" 
1. Topic 1
2. Topic 2
3. Topic 3

The problem is this very first line with html code. It appears in all 
wikis, including those that was running with 1.3.x and those created 
with new version. "AyudaDeContenidos" means HelpContents in spanish. 
This page is not part of any wiki, and wasn't before.


Thank you!!!
Miguel Da Silva
Administrador de Red
Centro de Matemática - http://www.cmat.edu.uy
Facultad de Ciencias - http://www.fcien.edu.uy
Universidad de la República - http://www.rau.edu.uy

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