[Moin-user] Missing MyPages Action

R.Bauer rb.proj at gmail.com
Wed Dec 10 03:25:32 EST 2008

jose schrieb:
> Hi, I run moinmoin 1.8.0 and I don't have the MyPages action in the "More
> Actions:" menu. In case I use <<Action(MyPages)>> in the text, it just
> prints MyPages. I searched moinmoin docs and googled without finding any
> relevant documentation about MyPages action. Any suggestions how to get
> MyPages action working? Thanks, j

in CHANGES e.g. on http://moinmo.in/MoinMoinRelease1.8
you do find the explaination:

* HINT: Added MyPages and CopyPage to actions_excluded because MyPages
      doesn't work without special SecurityPolicy anyway and CopyPage
      has questionable behaviour.

Please read all other HINTs too.


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