[Moin-user] [[BR]] vs <<BR>>

skip at pobox.com skip at pobox.com
Tue Feb 26 22:41:27 EST 2008

    >> > The release page at http://moinmo.in/MoinMoinRelease1.6 doesn't
    >> > explain this change (it just says "new macro markup").  Can you
    >> > point me to an explanation for the change?

    Thomas> Some more thoughts about it:

    Thomas> There is that new Creole wiki markup standard. Moin's new
    Thomas> linking is 99% creole.

This makes sense.  Maybe feature that change more prominently on the above
release page (like right at the top).  I had never heard of Creole wiki
markup before and just glossed over the mention of it far down the page.


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