[Moin-user] Upgrading from 1.5.3

Thomas Waldmann tw-public at gmx.de
Sun Nov 2 18:35:47 EST 2008

> I want to upgrade from 1.5.3 to the latest version, 1.8.0.

Good idea. :)

> For example, under 1.5.3 migration you say:
>    First make sure you have run all the old mig scripts ONCE (and only
>    once) on your data dirs.
>    The old style stuff moved here: MoinMoin/script/old/migration/
> Since I can't find any migration scripts in my current 1.5.3
> installation, I'm assuming you mean I should run the scripts supplied
> with 1.8.0. However, none of the scripts in that directory appear to
> relate to 1.5.3 (they all relate to earlier versions); should I really
> run them all?

The docs above are assuming that you ran an old moin version (like 1.2
or 1.3) and then migrate to 1.5.3. To do that (for this case) means to
run all appropriate mig scripts ONCE (not multiple times) to
successfully migrate your data dir to 1.5.3.

Of course, if you never had a moin version older than 1.5.3, you don't
need to run those old mig scripts.

And if you had run them ONCE in the past to migrate to 1.5.3, you don't
have to run them again either.

Maybe just check if you have a data/meta file with the version number in
it. If not, you at least need to run the last one of the old mig scripts
(that creates this file).

> Then in "Post 1.5.3 new style migration" you write:
>   b) Invoke the following command:
>       moin --config-dir=/path/to/config_dir \
>            --wiki-url=wiki.example.org/ migration data 
>       Note: If you did not use setup.py, you can call the moin script
>             directly. It is located in MoinMoin/script/moin.py
> Which config dir should I specify, the old one or the new one?

The new one (of course you need to have a working config in there).

> What is the wiki-url exactly? Is the slash on the end of it necessary?

It is an expression that is matched by farmconfig's "wikis" list (just
like a URL you use to access your wiki by browser - but without the
http:// part).

If you don't run a farmconfig, but just a single wiki, every wiki url
will work.

> Are "migration" and "data" literals, or do I substitute particular
> values there? If so, what values?


BTW, in case of trouble, there are some migration howtos linked from the
MoinMoinDownload wiki page.

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