[Moin-user] template links seems to be missing after update

Matthew W mwood23 at gmail.com
Fri Nov 14 19:14:19 EST 2008

Hi Rick- thanks for the note!

well yeah that was something I did the first time I installed...
nothing ever worked right without those absolute paths set in
wikiconfig.py :)

this is what I have there...

    # Where your mutable wiki pages are. You want to make regular
    # backups of this directory.
    data_dir = '/usr/local/wiki/share/moin/nemowiki/data/'

    # Where read-only system and help page are. You might want to share
    # this directory between several wikis. When you update MoinMoin,
    # you can safely replace the underlay directory with a new one. This
    # directory is part of MoinMoin distribution, you don't have to
    # backup it.
    data_underlay_dir = '/usr/local/wiki/share/moin/nemowiki/underlay/'

On Fri, Nov 14, 2008 at 4:03 PM, Rick Vanderveer
<rick.vanderveer at gmail.com> wrote:
> You may need to specify the underlay directory in your wikiconfig.py file:
> data_underlay_dir = r'path to directory'
> -Rick
> On Fri, Nov 14, 2008 at 5:54 PM, Matthew W <mwood23 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi all--
>> I recently updated from 1.6.1 to 1.8.0.  Everything seems fine except that now the links to the page templates are all missing when one tries to create a new page.  Here's a screenshot:
>> http://img142.imageshack.us/img142/4226/notemplatesai1.png
>> I did the install from the 1.8.0 src distro.  I did the htdocs overwrite. I did the migration script.  I did the cgi script update.  I did the underlay overwrite, and I did the moin maint cleancache.  And of course I've restarted apache a few times :)
>> But I just can't seem to get the links to the page templates to appear.  Nothing of note shows up in the apache error logs.  I guess I'm just out of ideas on what to check next.  Could someone offer some advice?  thanks!
>> -Matt

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