[Moin-user] Basic startup
rb.proj at gmail.com
Tue Nov 18 16:29:42 EST 2008
mailing list schrieb:
> --- On Tue, 11/18/08, R.Bauer <rb.proj at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> --- On Mon, 11/17/08, R.Bauer
>> <rb.proj at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Download, unpack, start ./wikiserver.py,
>> enjoy! :)
>>>>> I'm just getting a blank page when
>> pointing to
>>>> x.x.x.x:8080 (iptables is off). Should I see a
>>>> "Moin" logo or some sort of wiki, etc.?
>> Thanks.
>>>>> Mike
>>>> Download from http://moinmo.in/MoinMoinDownload
>>>> unpack
>>>> cd moin-1.8.0
>>>> ./wikiserver.py
>>>> point your browser to
>>>> which browser? Do you have toggled into offline
>> mode?
>>> I need for others to access the installation to try
>> out the new features as well, just not for myself. I can
>> get to on the same box, but I need for
>> outside access as well. I already dropped the
>> firewall/iptables. Anything else I need to do to allow
>> others to test drive Moin?
>>> Thanks.
>> change
>> wikiserverconfig.py
>> #interface = 'localhost' to the interface you want
>> use '' for all
>> interface or "" for some specific IP
>> the Desktopedition is preconfigured for personal usage, you
>> may want to
>> change also wikiconfig.py
> I can access but accessing x.x.x.x:8080 returns a blank page, even after changing the "interface" option to an IP or ''. (I restarted wikiserver.py and httpd to make certain).
> Mike
join us on #moin of chat.freenode.net. It is probably there easier to
solve than using the mailing list. It looks like that you have changed
the wrong file or do have an indenting mismatch.
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