[Moin-user] Updating tragedy with MoinMoin

Mark Ziegler mark.ziegler at rakekniven.de
Thu Nov 20 14:19:32 EST 2008


I started using MoinMoin privatly in 2004 and installed it in the same year in 
our company. 
This list kept me addicted and so I read most postings and installed every 
update til 1.5.9.
After reaching this version I was very disappointed about the updating 
description and stayed with it. Til then and now I used time to have a look 
at other wikis and their install and update mechanism and documentation.

Two weeks ago we made a decision and two people migrated three moinmoin wikis 
to mediawiki and we are very happy with it. It was a hard work.
We would have stayed with moinmoin but the documentation is not in good shape 
for my view. Developing a nice app is only one side of a coin. Users need 
good docs to stay up-to-date easily.

I would like to say thank you for using your nice wiki for some years and 
getting support on this list without beeing ironic.


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