[Moin-user] Problem with ACL and groups after migration (1.5.3 => 1.7.0).

Miguel Da Silva - URI mdasilva at fing.edu.uy
Fri Feb 20 08:48:16 EST 2009

Dear users, I'm having problems when trying to get my wikis working 
again. The problems rise up when setting up ACL and groups. It follows 
the way I'm setting up ACL's:

acl_enabled = 1
acl_rights_before =  (u"MiguelDaSilva:read,write,revert,delete,admin")
acl_rights_default = u"All:read"
acl_rights_after = u""

But, the idea is use a group called AdminGroup and set everything up 
this way:

acl_enabled = 1
acl_rights_before = (u"AdminGroup:read,write,revert,delete,admin")
acl_rights_default = u"All:read"
acl_rights_after = u""

And here is where problems appear... I can not edit any page of that 
wiki, and, just for sure, here goes the AdminGroup file:

  * MiguelDaSilva (notice the blank space as first character)

And the odd thing of it all... this wiki was running very well in 
Moinmoin 1.5.3. Everything began when I migrated it to 1.7.0 (in fact, 
the migration was due Debian upgrade from Etch to Lenny some days ago).

How did I migrate the wiki?

$ moin --config-dir=/path/to/config/dir --wiki-url=wiki.mydomain.com 
migration data



PS. I found a message (in the list history) about a problem very similar 
to this one. The sender got no reply (and it means "I searched, but no 
luck" :) ).

Miguel Da Silva
Unidad de Recursos Informáticos
Facultad de Ingeniería - http://www.fing.edu.uy
Universidad de la República - http://www.rau.edu.uy

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