[Moin-user] Python KeyError now magically gone :)

Matt W mwood23 at gmail.com
Tue Feb 24 13:48:38 EST 2009

Meaning I must have fat-fingered something the first time I tried the
upgrade from 1.8.0 to 1.8.2.  A few things I did differently this time
and a few notes:

* I went to <top-level wiki directory>/lib/python2.5/site-packages and
did a nice rm -rf * and cleaned it out completely.  I know the default
is to have these packages installed in the system's python
installation area but for reasons of backup and portability, I keep it
in the wiki area.

* I have more than a few instances of the "moin" script around; I
found one to stick with and made sure it had the proper sys import
path to the relevant wikiconfig.py file.

* when it came to updating wikiconfig.py, I moved the new default
version into place and edited it line by line to add the custom
entries from the old version.

* make sure to chown -R <webuser>:<webgroup>  <wiki dir to upgrade>
(or whatever your OS's chown style is) before doing the data migration
step.  And of course, perform the operation as the webuser per the
Migration docs.

* once that's done, then proceed to do the /path/to/proper/moin maint
cleancache, also as the webuser.

thanks again for the responses, sorry to create noise in the system.
we love MoinMoin!  :)

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