[Moin-user] disabling self-registration

R.Bauer rb.proj at gmail.com
Thu Feb 26 13:09:16 EST 2009

Jose P. Carballo schrieb:
> Hi, well I use TextCha <http://moinmo.in/TextCha> for that. In
> http://moinmo.in/HelpOnTextChas there's the code that you have to add in the
> configuration file. But instead of making intuitive questions like in the
> help link, i just make one question, like this:
> textchas_disabled_group = u"TrustedEditorGroup" # members of this
> don't get textchas
>     textchas = {
>         'en': { # silly english example textchas (do not use them!)
> *            u"Enter the secret password": ur"YOURSECRETPASSWORD",*
>             # ...
>         },
>         'de': { # some german textchas
>             u"Gib die ersten 9 Stellen von Pi ein.": ur"3\.14159265",
>             u"Was ist das Gegenteil von 'Tag'?": ur"nacht",
>             # ...
>         },
>         # you can add more languages if you like
>     }



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