[Moin-user] Please help me get AutoAdmin working correctly.

Michael Freeman mike.freeman.3832 at gmail.com
Tue May 5 21:33:34 EDT 2009

I have added "from MoinMoin.security.autoadmin import SecurityPolicy"
to wikiconfig.py, cleared the cache and restarted Apache2

I have created page "QF/R190-1/2009/AdminGroup" with the line " * user" in it.

However, when user tries to create the subpage "QF/R190-1/2009/4",
using template "CustomerComplaint-Template", she cannot, and the error
message is "You can't change ACLs on this page since you have no admin
rights on it!"

However, user can create a blank page at "QF/R190-1/2009/4".

CustomerComplaint-Template starts with "#acl
ME,user:read,write,revert,admin,delete All:read,write."  By default,
only members of the TrustedGroup are allowed "write" access.  This
template therefore has to set "All:read,write" to give users who
aren't in the TrustedGroup the ability to update the page.

I think I've followed the directions at
http://moinmo.in/HelpOnAutoAdmin .  But it's not working, so
presumably I haven't.  What have I missed?  Or misunderstood?


Michael J. Freeman
Reserve, LA

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