[Moin-user] Including page with macros

Boerma, Remco r.boerma at drenthecollege.nl
Tue Apr 6 04:31:44 EDT 2010

Hi David, 

Didn't notice any reply to your question. From the documentation on the
macro page I'd say you're stuck, or may be use the @ME constant. 

The combination of the <<Include(...)>> and the <<NewPage(...)>> doesn't
work for your. Isn't it easier to create new pages based on a template
that includes the <<NewPage(...)>> macro with @SELF?

If you simply want to add notes (in a subpage) I'd recommend the
PageComment2 (*) macro which I use most frequently for the same purpose
- you don't even have to edit a page to add a note! 

* http://moinmo.in/MacroMarket/PageComment2 

Hope this helps, 

Remco Boerma

-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: David Sevilla [mailto:sevillad at gmail.com] 
Verzonden: zondag 28 maart 2010 17:52
Aan: moin-user at lists.sourceforge.net
Onderwerp: [Moin-user] Including page with macros


I am trying to have a template which allows me to quickly add notes
(as subpages) to my pages. I have put this in the template, it does
what I want:

(some instructions on how to create notes)
<<NewPage(NoteTemplate,Create new note, at SELF)>>

but I would like to put this out in a separate page (say
"NoteCreation"), so that all my new pages include this "NoteCreation"
(that would be helpful if I decide to change the instructions for
example). Now, if I put instead the code


and I move the NewPage code to "NoteCreation", the effect is that the
notes are created under "NoteCreation", not the page that includes it.
Would there be a way to get this code working as I want?

Thank you,


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