[Moin-user] mathjax

Thomas Waldmann tw-public at gmx.de
Tue Dec 7 12:01:27 EST 2010

On Mon, 2010-12-06 at 08:30 -0500, Neal Becker wrote:
> http://www.mathjax.org/
> Looks like an interesting way to integrate LaTeX markup.


> Anyone looked into using this?

Just had a quick look after reading your mail.

Looks great and I didn't find a catch.

What you could please do: search our wiki for math stuff and add this at
some appropriate place (create a new page if you don't find some place
that fits).

Maybe you and some other people interested in math can discuss there and
maybe someone who knows python will have a look.

(I personally rarely need math typesetting stuff nowadays, but I could
give some support to whoever wants to work on it for moin2.)

License of it might be a problem, not sure:

mathjax is "Apache License v2".
moin is "GPL v2 or later".


So, for the "or later part (e.g. GPL v3) there is no problem.
Not sure if we have a problem with GPL v2, which we also allow for moin.

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