[Moin-user] Collapsing sections of a page

Jim Wight j.k.wight at ncl.ac.uk
Fri Feb 5 13:40:12 EST 2010

Greg Noel wrote:
> On Feb 5, 2010, at 8:36 AM, Kevin Ha wrote:
>> Is there an extension or macro available that allows one to  
>> dynamically collapse a section of the page? ...
> I don't know if Jim Wight's SeeSaw still works in the latest Moin  
> versions, but it's worth a shot.
> market: http://moinmo.in/MacroMarket/SeeSaw
> demo: http://seesaw.ncl.ac.uk

Yes, it works with the latest releases of all versions of MoinMoin from 
1.6 to 1.9. I'm also in the process of checking it with the latest 
release (1.4.1) of jQuery. All seems OK so far, and I may well shorlty 
slot in that version at http://seesaw.ncl.ac.uk.


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