[Moin-user] Can one set the creation and modify dates of an article?

Eric Johnson eric at tibco.com
Tue Feb 9 17:19:21 EST 2010

I believe that MoinMoin gets this information from the "edit-log" file
in each page folder.  With direct access to the raw data, you can dummy
up whatever "history" you want.

You also want to put the same entries in the "edit-log" file for the
whole wiki.


On 02/09/2010 02:11 PM, Chris G wrote:
> I want to put some articles into my wiki and 'pretend' they were put
> there a long time ago so that the date sequence of articles makes
> sense (this is for holiday narratives and things like that).
> Can this be done in moinmoin, i.e. is there some sort of macro or
> action one can use to allow one to put a date into an article which
> would get used as its creation and/or modify date?
> Something like:-
>     <<CreationDate(2009-01-04)>>

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