[Moin-user] [spamsfaked-from] Re: Can one set the creation and modify dates of an article?

Chris G cl at isbd.net
Thu Feb 11 04:21:28 EST 2010

On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 05:43:57PM -0700, Gnarlodious wrote:
> On Wednesday, February 10, 2010, Chris G wrote:
> > I've been programming, as my job, since around 1971.
> In that case, it should be easy to write a script to set all times in
> one fell swoop. I doubt that a macro would be appealing for such a
> seldom used operation.
You still haven't really understood what I want to do.

I'm aiming to create a wiki with *history* in many parts of it and I
want the dates of the articles to reflect the date of their actually

This will take quite a long time to create and I may well add 'fill
in' articles as time goes on, these would need to be put in their
correct time sequence.

The wiki will have a structure created in the normal way but I want to
be able to do searches with the results sorted in date order.  So for
example I could search for the name of a town and see the results
sorted in the order of my visits (or other dated occurrences).

So it's far from being a 'one off' requirement, I want to be able to
write an article about something I did on, say, 12 Sept. 2005 and set
the creation date for that article to 2005-09-12.  I'll be wanting to
set dates in this way (occasionally) as long as I use the wiki.

Chris Green

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