[Moin-user] Blank page when registring new user

Thomas Waldmann tw-public at gmx.de
Tue Jan 19 03:40:32 EST 2010

> I get a blank page as answer when I register a new user. 
> Since I have no clue if it is a configuration issue on our side, I was hoping maybe you could shed some light on the error message in error_log

That blank response is unusual, but to diagnose it, we need much more
information. So, in case it is not just the missing pages, as Reimar
suspects, file a bug report giving your configs and other useful info.

> [Mon Jan 18 21:37:08 2010] [error] 2010-01-18 21:37:08,120 INFO MoinMoin.config.multiconfig:1072 using
>                                                            wiki config: /path/to/wikis/demowiki/wikiconfig.pyc
> -> does MoinMoin.config.multiconfig:1072 tell you anything?

As you see at the "INFO" classification, this is no ERROR or WARNING,
just an information.

The usefulness of this info comes from telling the absolute path of the
wiki config it is using (before we had that, many people were editing
wrong configs, because they had multiple ones on their disk and edited
some sample config instead of the one that gets loaded).

multiconfig:1072 is just information about from where
(module:linenumber) this logging message is emitted, it is not important
in that case.

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