[Moin-user] apache2: bad group name

Nico Zanferrari nicozanf at gmail.com
Tue Nov 16 03:41:20 EST 2010


I think you've changed the proposed user & group (www-data) in the
Apache configuration with your own ....  use  "www-data" and it must

BTW: maybe I should modify or delete the line:

# create some wsgi daemons - use user/group same as your data_dir:

because it is unnecessary in a simple and quick tutorial like this
(and could be misunderstood by newcomers ;-)))


2010/11/15 Lucian Cosmin GORON <luciangoron at gmail.com>
> The otehr day I was following http://moinmo.in/HowTo/UbuntuQuick to get
> it running, but at step 2.8. I got "apache2: bad group name rrg". My
> user=goron and group=rrg.

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