[Moin-user] Can I block people from creating accounts if they don't verify their address?
rb.proj at gmail.com
Fri Dec 9 03:55:56 EST 2011
just a note, moin2 approves accounts by email.
Am 08.12.2011 23:00, schrieb Paul Boddie:
> On Thursday 08 December 2011 16:05:31 Steven W. Orr wrote:
>> This is not really what I want. I don't want other people to not be allowed
>> to create accounts. What I want is to prevent people from creating accounts
>> whose email address matches a pattern. In my case (today) the interlopers
>> are all on the .info TLD
> Are they all providing .info e-mail addresses or are their requests
> originating from addresses resolving to .info domains? It seems to me that
> spammers could easily work around restrictions on e-mail addresses.
> Nevertheless, you could just change the newaccount action to check the e-mail
> address. Something like this, after checking for the address's presence for
> an existing user and just before saving the new user...
> blocked_pattern = getattr(request.cfg, "blocked_email_addresses")
> if blocked_pattern:
> blocked_regexp = re.compile(blocked_pattern)
> if blocked_regexp.match(theuser.email):
> return _("Couldn't register you!")
> Feel free to use this, play around with it, use multiple patterns or whatever.
> I guess you'd set the pattern up like this:
> blocked_email_addresses = r".*?\.info$"
> You could use the | operator and brackets to add more possibilities.
>> Another thing that would be wonderful would be if the account creation
>> could be completed only by responding to a confirmation email, the same as
>> if you were signing up for a mailing list.
> I saw the following e-mail confirmation patch when searching the Moin site
> for "account creation":
> http://moinmo.in/RussellStuart/EmailActivation
> The discussion is a bit weird because a lot of the timestamps give the current
> time instead of the time of each message, but it seems that people have been
> looking at this code and the problem in general fairly recently.
>> But, I don't want to disallow everyone from signing up as a default.
>> BTW, I should mention that all of the spam that I'm getting is not only
>> coming from the .info TLD, it's also coming in despite TextCha being
>> enabled. That never used to be the case.
> It's possible that determined people could target a site using TextCha and
> defeat it, but that goes somewhat beyond what TextCha is designed to handle.
> With regard to general frameworks around the mechanisms discussed here, the
> new account action doesn't seem to utilise any event mechanisms that you find
> elsewhere in Moin, so you can't write a plug-in that performs a
> post-registration check. I experimented with an event handler that performs
> authorisation checks on edits:
> http://moinmo.in/ActionMarket/ApproveChanges
> This is a potentially large sledgehammer to crack the nut of spam, however,
> but it effectively queues all edits from anyone you haven't explicitly
> nominated as being trustworthy. Spammers shouldn't see any of their edits
> published unless you approve them.
> Paul
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