[Moin-user] Moin notifications considered as spam !?

Shérab Sebastien.Hinderer at ens-lyon.org
Sat Jun 11 14:52:25 EDT 2011

Dear all,

I just discovered that the notifications usually sent by Moin stopped
working, a few days ago.
After some investigation, I discovered that they are sent correctly by
the machine hosting the wiki, but then silently discarded. So I thought
that it is perhaps my provider which has a very bad spam detection
algorithm and changed the delivery address for the notifications.
But then the delivery failed once more, and this time there was an
explicite failure message in the logs of the MTA, on the machine hosting
the wiki. The message said sending failed because the message was
considered as a spam.

Needless to say, I find it rather sad that providers do their own spam
detection, seemingly without any possibility to turn it off.

I'm wondering whether some of you guys already faced this problem and
how you solved it.

Many thanks in advance for any suggestion,

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