[Moin-user] using Xapian search

Iain Mac Donald moinmoin at picturenow.co.uk
Tue Sep 27 20:11:49 EDT 2011


long time MoinMoin user here who has just got around to installing
Xapian for search. There are a couple of things which I find are
different when using Xapian compared to the legacy search engine.

The first difference involves my, perhaps unusual, navigation method.
It is perhaps easiest to explain by example. I have a page in the wiki
called MoinTipsTricks and rather than typing the full path I do a title
search on "moint". The legacy search would return the only page
starting with moint which is MoinTipsTricks. Xapian returns 'Your
search query "moint" didn't return any results.' Title searching on
"moin" with Xapian does return a list of pages.

Xapian title search returns one result per page plus one result for
each attachment on that page. Finding a specific page can then become
more difficult. I would still like the ability to search attachments
but not have it as the default option.

Any ideas on how I can get Xapian to behave like legacy search in
these two situations?


MoinMoin 1.9.3 (from Debian Squeeze), Python 2.6.6, Xapian 1.2.3,
Apache 2.2.16 with mod_wsgi
    xapian_search = True
    xapian_index_history = False
    xapian_stemming = False

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