[Moin-user] Empty directories

Thomas Waldmann tw-public at gmx.de
Tue Jun 19 11:45:40 EDT 2012

On Fri, 2012-06-15 at 10:25 -0500, Rick Vanderveer wrote:
> Errr... the bug I'm thinking of was back from an early 1.8 or earlier
> release a few years ago.  Sorry about that!

There was such a bug in < 1.7.1 (see 1.7.1 docs/CHANGES entries).

BTW, it isn't that much important which moin version you run now, but
rather which you ran at the time all those empty dirs / files were
created. MAYBE the timestamps there tell something, maybe not.

This can be used to clean up the crap (at least on Posix OS, needs code
changes or at least editing of the output script on Windows):

moin ... maint cleanpage

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