[Moin-user] Farmwiki configuration in Windows

Thomas Waldmann tw at waldmann-edv.de
Fri Feb 8 07:19:16 EST 2013

Hi Allan,

> I am trying to install a Moin 1.9.6 wikifarm on my Windows 7 box for
> personal use.  I got the single wiki using the built-in web server going 
> just fine.

... which uses "/" as the URL root of the wiki.

> I am now trying to expand that to several wikis. I think I 
> am close, but missing one concept.  I get from the request, thru 
> farmwiki, to the ScrumWiki.py, but not to individual pages.
>    The first one I am trying set up, I want to access via 
> localhost:8080/ScrumWiki
>    My wikis = [     ("scrumwiki", 
> r"^http://localhost:8080/ScrumWiki/.*$"),  ]

Please note that these regexes just DISPATCH to the correct individual
wiki's config. They do NOT set up serving the wiki at that url.

The builtin server by default serves localhost:8080/PageName.

What you are trying here is to do path-based farming and I don't think
the builtin server supports that.

What you could do instead is hostname-based farming, by giving the
localhost IP some more names (edit "hosts" file of your OS) and dispatch
by hostname then.

> If I go to http://localhost:8080/ScrumWiki,  the URL is not found. Fair 
> enough.

Yes, the regex wants that "/" at the end (at least).

> If I visit http://localhost:8080/ScrumWiki/FooBar
>     it get what looks like an unformatted wiki page, I assume it is a 
> MissingPage page
>     If I use its link to create a page, I get Foo(2f)Bar under \pages
>     and I can't visit that.  if I copy a page from the old wikiconfig.py 
> wiki into \pages, it isn't found either.

As it does not really KNOW that that wiki is rooted at .../ScrumWiki/,
it thinks the pagename is ScrumWiki/Foo/Bar (not Foo/Bar).

Usually, SCRIPT_NAME and PATH_INFO environment is used to decide what is

> I wanted to use the built in web server for simplicity.

Yes, I see that. But please note that this builtin server is mostly
intended for simple setups, testing, development and not really intended
for farms, production or bigger stuff.

In general, path-based farming is a bit more complicated to set up than
hostname based farming.

> If I really can't use the built-in for a farm, I'll probably try to use 
> tomcat 7.  I assume that is wsgi.

The only thing I know about tomcat is that it is java stuff, so I
wouldn't assume it supports wsgi (but I really don't know).

But aside from apache2/mod-wsgi, nginx/uwsgi, there are multiple python
wsgi servers out there, just google for "python wsgi server" or so.

I personally usually use apache2/mod-wsgi for production and builtin
server for development, so I personally can't help much with other
stuff. The wsgi server usually has some documentation about how to get a
standard wsgi app working. moin is such a standard wsgi app.



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