[Moin-user] Farm Help

Mournful Spirit mournful.spirit at gmail.com
Fri Jul 5 12:45:42 EDT 2013

Hello. I am a new user to MoinMoin. The plan is to primarily use this as 
a desktop wiki, to hold any number of informational things as archives.

I am trying to get setup with a farm system, so my information groups 
can be sorted into separate areas and not conflict with one another. 
However I keep getting a "no wiki configuration" error, and I can't find 
a guide that is easy enough to understand.

I'll try to be as detailed as possible.

MoinMoin is located here, and wikiserver.py is run from this location:
C:\MoinMoin - Desktop Edition

I'd like my wiki data folders to be located here, in order to have them 
on a backup USB drive that is always connected.
I:\VII - Wiki

(Note: I would like to have two folders in this one, for now. One 
entitled Archive, and the other entitled Gaming, with the data folders 
kept inside those.)

I had a guide for the 1.5.3 version, but that led to the error I listed 
above. It told me to create these files:

I took the sample farmconfig.py file and edited only this part:

wikis = [

     # wikiname, url regular expression
     # ---------------------------------------------------------------
     #("mywiki", r".*"),   # this is ok for a single wiki
     # for multiple wikis, do something like this:
     ("gaming", r"^gaming.*$"),
     ("archive", r"^archive.*$"),

 From what the guide said, having this is supposed to allow me to use 
http://gaming:8080 and http://archive:8080 in my web browser.

Archive.py contains this:
# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-

from farmconfig import FarmConfig

class Config(FarmConfig):

     sitename = 'Archive Wiki'
     data_dir = 'I:\VII - Wiki\Archive'

Gaming.py contains this:
# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-

from farmconfig import FarmConfig

class Config(FarmConfig):

     sitename = 'Gaming Wiki'
     data_dir = 'I:\VII - Wiki\Gaming'

My hosts file has this line in it. (It is the only uncommented line, and 
I added it following the guide.)       localhost gaming archive

I'm not sure if there is anything else I need to provide. I put the 
farmconfig.py, archive.py, and gaming.py files in the C: main folder of 
MoinMoin, then ran wikiserver.py, but when I tried I got the no config 

Can someone help me figure out how to make this work?

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