[Moin-user] Suggestions sought to how best to implement this request ...
Philip Colmer
philip.colmer at linaro.org
Mon Oct 7 09:13:06 EDT 2013
Not to worry - I figured it out:
'Internal/meet-the-team/{0}'.format(pnNormalised), "profile.jpg",
person.photo, overwrite=1)
where "profile.jpg" is the name I want the file to have and "person.photo"
is a blob of binary data read from the LDAP server. Nice to see that the
moin moin code just handles it - I don't have to do any munging of the
blob, etc.
On 7 October 2013 13:48, Philip Colmer <philip.colmer at linaro.org> wrote:
> >> The MoinMoin.action.AttachFile module contains functions to work
> >> with attachments in a nicer way than manipulating the filesystem
> directly.
> Is there any documentation on how to programmatically attach a file to a
> page? I can only see documentation for checking if an attachment exists and
> getting the directory path and URL for a page.
> Thanks.
> Philip
> On 27 September 2013 08:45, Philip Colmer <philip.colmer at linaro.org>wrote:
>> Thank you, everyone, for the replies sent. They were a great help.
>> Management has decided/agreed to drop the multi-column display and opted
>> for what some might consider to be an older, more traditional approach of
>> just listing everything in a single column with a TOC at the top and "Back
>> to top" links at each section. Easier for me to build :-).
>> I've managed to make reasonable approximations of the team and individual
>> pages in MoinMoin wiki markup so I'm reasonably happy with the outcome.
>> Thanks again.
>> Philip
>> On 25 September 2013 09:06, Jim Wight <jkwight at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On 24 September 2013 16:44, Philip Colmer <philip.colmer at linaro.org>wrote:
>>>> - The way that the lists are arranged into three columns seems to
>>>> be some CSS voodoo that I'm trying to unpick. I'm not sure how to mimic
>>>> that in MoinMoin since calling CSS directly is tricky ...
>>>> You could try the Columns macro for that part. It was only listed under
>>> 1.6 in MacroMarket but as it has been brought up to date for 1.9 I've
>>> updated the 1.9 table.
>>> Jim
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