[moin-user] New coming on MoinMoin - in French

Thomas Waldmann tw at waldmann-edv.de
Sat Feb 1 13:57:15 EST 2020

> Right now, I’m just testing MoinMoin Desktop Edition, on Win 10 / Python 6.

Should be python 2.7.latest and moin 1.9.latest.

> 1.  I fail to pass through the step of installing languages packages
> (French only in this case).
>       I tuned  the config this way :
>                 language_default    = 'fr'
>                 page_category_regex = ur'(?P<all>Cat[ée]gorie(?P<key>\S+))'
>                 page_dict_regex = ur'(?P<all>Dict(?P<key>\S+))'
>                 page_group_regex = ur'(?P<all>Groupe(?P<key>\S+))'
>                 page_template_regex = ur'(?P<all>Mod[eè]le(?P<key>\S+))'
>                but I still don’t see where to get the packages

If you do not set the home page in your wikiconfig, it should default to
LanguageSetup and there are the language packages.

> 2.  I didn’t define myself as a ‘superuser’, as it is presented as
> unneeded on Desktop Edition (any user is a superuser).

Hmm, admittedly I do not remember. But if so, you'll notice. :-)

Anyway, your user needs superuser capabilities so it will let you
install packages.

>     However I’m not yet registered at all as a ’user’, despite attempts
> to. What did I miss ?

There are no default user account(s), so you need to create a user account.

For a normal moin setup (not sure about desktop edition), creation of
user accounts is disabled since the most recent moin release (see

You can either temporarily enable it (as mentioned in the recent
changelog) or use the command line to add the first user. After that and
if you are superuser, you (first, admin) user can also create user
account via "change to user" in the settings web menue (see also changelog).


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