[moin-user] moin to dokuwiki export does not work, namespace error

Paul Boddie paul at boddie.org.uk
Fri Dec 9 16:10:15 EST 2022

On Friday, 9 December 2022 19:42:08 CET Rudolf Reuter wrote:
> Hello Paul,
> Thank you very much for your detailed answers.
> Let me explain how I came to dokuwiki.
> I was was very satisfied with moinmoin wiki for about 15 years.
> Unfortunately after an Ubuntu 22.04 upgrade I had a server crash.

Sorry to hear that!

> Then I tried to install moinmoin2 again.
> The problem was the wsgi package.
> The python2 version was no longer available, and I backed up only
> the folders /etc, /home and /var, my fault.
> The actual wsgi package is for pathon3 only.
> Then I tried moin2, with little functionality.

Yes, Moin 2 isn't really ready for widespread use. Some of us have been 
packaging it for Debian, which would then mean that it would be more available 
for Debian and Ubuntu users, and this would also hopefully mean that more 
people would be able to gain experience with it, improve it, and so on.

In my opinion, the current arrangement of having to make virtualenvs/venvs/
whatever and experiencing a very "fluid" situation with regard to 
dependencies, plus the lack of guidance and support, means that only the most 
dedicated developers might be interested in using Moin 2. And there probably 
aren't many of those dedicated developers any more.

> Then I found the converter moin2doku, which looked very good.
> I will try to make it work with your hints, but if it does
> not work within a reasonable time, I will instal moinmoin v.1.9.9 again.

Let us know what the errors are as you experience them. Maybe they are not so 
significant. Otherwise, Moin 1.9 is really your only option at the moment.


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