Aniket Maithani maithani.aniket at gmail.com
Thu May 22 14:12:55 CEST 2014

Hello All,

            I am using MATPLOTLIB to plot some data on a realtime basis
using ARDUINO. I have written the following code for my program :
[File Attached a1.txt]

Recently I moved to a new system. I have installed all the dependencies
etc. but now I am getting the following error and I am unable to resolve
it. [f2.png]

Please Help
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import serial
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
ser = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyACM0', 9600)
print ser  
plt.ion() # set plot to animated
ydata = [0] * 50
# make plot
line, = plt.plot(ydata)
# start data collection
while True: 
    data = ser.readline().rstrip() # read data from serial
                                   # port and strip line endings
    if len(data.split(".")) == 2:
        ymin = float(min(ydata))-10
        ymax = float(max(ydata))+10
        del ydata[0]
        line.set_ydata(ydata)  # update the data
        plt.draw() # update the plot
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