[Ncr-Python.in] PyCon 2016 - Delhi

Anuvrat Parashar anuvrat at anuvrat.in
Thu May 28 14:57:05 CEST 2015

> I don't mean to be a wet blanket but like I said, PyCon India is
> something in which multiple are interested so I don't think it's
> unilaterally possible to just "decide" that it should be in Delhi (or
> anywhere else). If there's a lot of work done which is all wasted
> because of some snag, it would be a pity.

This was an effort to get the volunteers assembled. Now we shall meet and
try to
set our milestones for the foreseeable future. Not a "decision", but a
resolution to
try our best.

> What would be a good idea, as I've mentioned, is to organise a smaller
> conference (preferably before PyCon India 2015) and run it so that all
> the pieces are in place. After that, making a pitch at Bangalore would
> be a lot more solid.

Point noted.

> The upshot is that, please don't focus your efforts (yet) on PyCon India
> 2016 but on a local event for now. PyCon India 2016 can be a long term
> aim.

In the meeting, we shall try to determine the feasibility of
mini-conference or
for that matter PyCon India - Delhi Edition itself.

@Noufal, thanks. Keep the suggestion coming :)

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