[Neuroimaging] Website Update
vanessa sochat
vsochat at stanford.edu
Sat Aug 22 20:47:07 CEST 2015
Awesome! Thanks so much for your help Ben, we will figure it out :O)
I'm working on a few different projects today but will have some time
tomorrow for nipy. Keep me posted.
On Sat, Aug 22, 2015 at 11:42 AM, Ben Cipollini <bcipolli at ucsd.edu> wrote:
> Ok, yeah. That's not acceptable :) This is very similar to Django, which I
> know well. I'll think over a solution.
> Really, there's got to be a way to pass the baseurl from github, circle.ci,
> etc. Will investigate further.
> On Sat, Aug 22, 2015 at 11:34 AM, vanessa sochat <vsochat at stanford.edu>
> wrote:
>> The "ugly" solution is to use different templates for the pages not at
>> the base url, and then you can just hard code the page one level up. For
>> example, in the header
>> <https://github.com/vsoch/nipy-jekyll/blob/master/_includes/head.html>:
>> a path currently looks like:
>> <script src="{{ "js/tipsy.js" | prepend: site.baseurl }}"></script>
>> and for subpages, we would make a new header_subpage.html with a path
>> like:
>> <script src="{{ "../js/tipsy.js" | prepend: site.baseurl }}"></script>
>> But then when you change anything about the design, you have to change it
>> in two places. I started implementing this, felt sick to my stomach at how
>> awful the idea was, and completely converted everything back :) I think it
>> could be possible to use this weird language <http://liquidmarkup.org/>
>> so that all pages detect their level. For example, take a look here
>> <https://github.com/vsoch/nipy-jekyll/commit/2ac70c6dee2372be6676848aac9766459f4c57c2#diff-e921a390257abd15c1742300f2417b13R14>
>> at a solution I figured out using the syntax - but it fails in that the if
>> statement is hard coded.
>> Also take a look here
>> <https://github.com/vsoch/nipy-jekyll/commit/c72756afad2bc4cb57d893f76e9dd4f425b79218#diff-4ea7a794e4d7b7503ac520689daeb20bL17>
>> - for the posts we can get the URLs programatically, but I wasn't sure how
>> to do that for "non-post" pages.
>> On Sat, Aug 22, 2015 at 11:24 AM, Ben Cipollini <bcipolli at ucsd.edu>
>> wrote:
>>> Oops, I spoke too soon. Sounds like circle.ci is very important. :)
>>> Vanessa, you had an idea for an "ugly" solution for the original issue?
>>> May I ask what that is? Looks like others are simply using --baseurl="" on
>>> the command-line.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Ben
>>> On Sat, Aug 22, 2015 at 11:19 AM, vanessa sochat <vsochat at stanford.edu>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Ariel,
>>>> Circle is needed to preview PRs.
>>>> On your fork take a look at the individual blog pages - the path goes
>>>> to the base and it is not found. And then on circle since the baseurl is
>>>> "/" it would be quite broken looking.
>>>> Right now adding a project would mean adding an entry to the data file
>>>> <https://github.com/vsoch/nipy-jekyll/blob/master/_data/packages.yml>,
>>>> and then copying a template page for it (for example
>>>> <https://github.com/vsoch/nipy-jekyll/blob/master/sdm.html>, you would
>>>> just need the header and to name the page corresponding to its tag in the
>>>> data file). The navigation, front page, and D3 are rendered from that file,
>>>> but I didn't see a nice way to generate an entire page for the package. The
>>>> reason I had originally chosen flask is because a person could just add a
>>>> line to a tsv file, and the application would be smart enough to make the
>>>> page if the user did not. I don't see a way to achieve that with these more
>>>> syntax based frameworks.
>>>> For the content and more tweaks to the design - let's hold off on
>>>> jumping into that until we get this url issue worked out! I am totally game
>>>> for adjusting the design, layout, content for whatever people think is best.
>>>> Best,
>>>> Vanessa
>>>> On Sat, Aug 22, 2015 at 11:04 AM, Ariel Rokem <arokem at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Vanessa,
>>>>> Sorry for the delay in responding.
>>>>> On Sun, Aug 16, 2015 at 3:18 PM, vanessa sochat <vsochat at stanford.edu>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Everyone,
>>>>>> Here is an update to the site. I've ported it into jekyll
>>>>>> <https://github.com/vsoch/nipy-jekyll>, and tested the template on
>>>>>> iphone and computer (seems reasonable). I've also gotten it to render the
>>>>>> artifacts on circle.ci <https://circleci.com/gh/vsoch/nipy-jekyll/32>,
>>>>>> so we could preview PRs (Click "artifact" and then find home.html
>>>>>> <https://circle-artifacts.com/gh/vsoch/nipy-jekyll/32/artifacts/0/home/ubuntu/nipy-jekyll/_site/home.html>).
>>>>>> However, I've run into a bug with regard to absolute vs. relative paths -
>>>>>> when you click the demo link above, the "posts" not being at the base url
>>>>>> means they will not be linked or render correctly (for example, here
>>>>>> is a link
>>>>>> <https://circle-artifacts.com/gh/vsoch/nipy-jekyll/32/artifacts/0/home/ubuntu/nipy-jekyll/_site/code-syntax/index.html>
>>>>>> to a post on circle, and you won't see styling because the css/js links are
>>>>>> broken)
>>>>>> The site works perfectly given that we aren't serving it at a
>>>>>> relative path, eg:
>>>>>> jekyll serve --baseurl="/"
>>>>>> And the challenge is finding a solution that will render locally, on
>>>>>> github pages, and circle.ci, and what we need, I think, is some kind
>>>>>> of liquid syntax that will detect when we are in a subfolder and render
>>>>>> appropriately. I've been messing around with it for 7 hours today and can't
>>>>>> figure it out, and I need to ask for help. Could someone else take a look?
>>>>>> Likely someone with more experience than me with Jekyll could figure this
>>>>>> out in a heartbeat (Ariel?) The plan right now, I'd like to propose, would
>>>>>> be to figure out this bug, get it onto a (test) github pages, tweak the
>>>>>> details of the content, make proper documentation, and then release to
>>>>>> official github pages.
>>>>> Why do we need CircleCI here? I am actually not sure what the issue
>>>>> is, but here's the site rendered through gh-pages on my fork of your repo:
>>>>> http://arokem.github.io/nipy-jekyll/
>>>>> I did also add a Gemfile to the repo, and that might matter: I believe
>>>>> Github pages serves jekyll through a call to "bundle exec jekyll serve"
>>>>> (see here: https://help.github.com/articles/using-jekyll-with-pages/
>>>>> ).
>>>>> One comment about the content: I would prefer to have a front page
>>>>> that just states what this thing is, and the projects on a separate page. I
>>>>> would like for it to be *super* easy to add projects. The whole idea is
>>>>> that the NIPY community is not a static list of projects, but an
>>>>> ever-evolving ecosystem.
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Ariel
>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>> Vanessa
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Vanessa Villamia Sochat
>>>>>> Stanford University
>>>>>> (603) 321-0676
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>>>> --
>>>> Vanessa Villamia Sochat
>>>> Stanford University
>>>> (603) 321-0676
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>> --
>> Vanessa Villamia Sochat
>> Stanford University
>> (603) 321-0676
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Vanessa Villamia Sochat
Stanford University
(603) 321-0676
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