[Neuroimaging] Site Discussion

Vanessa vsochat at gmail.com
Wed Aug 26 18:14:43 CEST 2015

Hi everyone!

I thought more about this on my walk - here is a reasonable game plan! I will do the work to put together a solution that integrates Ariel's original vision with ghpages, the parts of Jekyll that do work, and a more non developer friendly integrated blog. I think this could meet all of our goals and be a solution that better integrates social aspects of our community - github just doesn't specialize in blogging but many services do. If that does not work, then we can go to spinx. Boum! 

I will send out an update likely during weekend time when I've tested some things.



> On Aug 26, 2015, at 8:32 AM, Matthew Brett <matthew.brett at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
>> On Wed, Aug 26, 2015 at 4:10 PM, vanessa sochat <vsochat at stanford.edu> wrote:
>> Hi Group,
>> Ben and I are having some discussion on the higher level goals of the site,
>> and want to bring everyone in. In summary, we want something that is easy to
>> contribute content to, and has continuous integration for previewing
>> updates. I am wondering, what was wrong with the initial look of the site?
>> Was it that sphinx is hard to update?
> Actually, I think that sphinx is a very good option, and most other
> scientific Python sites use sphinx for their main pages.
> The particular template that we were using was a little dated and
> ugly, but I bet that could be improved.
> Most if not all developers are perfectly capable of building the
> sphinx documentation locally to preview it, but we can also do what
> other projects are doing, and build / publish the docs in some
> temporary place for each commit, using an entry in the travis-ci
> matrix of jobs.
> I think Ariel was particularly attracted to Jekyll / github pages,
> because it is very easy to get a rendered version to look at with a
> git push, and although that is generally desirable, I think building /
> reviewing locally is at least as important.
> So - if it were entirely up to me - I would prefer we go back to
> sphinx, on the basis that it is a very familiar workflow to most
> Python developers.
> Thanks very much for doing all this work by the way - it's very
> helpful, and I'm sorry that we are going round and round.
> See you,
> Matthew
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