[Neuroimaging] Nipy.org new website needs a complete remake

Stefan van der Walt stefanv at berkeley.edu
Tue Jul 28 23:48:42 CEST 2015

On 2015-07-27 21:41:00, Eleftherios Garyfallidis 
<garyfallidis at gmail.com> wrote:
> The website starts looking *much* better. Thank you for pushing 
> forward with this. And I am very happy that the website is built 
> with Flask now a Python tool!!! :)

I've never used Flask to generate static content--is that an 
option?  Otherwise it may be simpler to take the same design 
that's currently used and transplant it onto Sphinx, StaticJinja, 
Jekyll, Hyde or Pelican.

Those solutions are more-or-less a toss-up in terms of the 
functionality we need, with the caveat that most devs here (who 
already have configured Python environments) cannot simply install 
Jekyll for offline work.

Once the main design work is done, the issue of being able to do 
online previews of built pages may become less relevant, since 
most changes will be to content.


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