[Neuroimaging] call for papers: PRNI 2016 submission now open
Jo Etzel
jetzel at wustl.edu
Fri Feb 19 09:17:28 EST 2016
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PRNI 2016
6th International Workshop on Pattern Recognition in Neuroimaging
22-24 June 2016
Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK), Trento, Italy
www.prni.org - @PRNI2016 - www.facebook.com/PRNI2016/
Paper submission opens: 18 February 2016
Paper submission deadline: 18 March 2016, 11:59 pm PST
Acceptance notification: 22 April 2016
Camera-ready paper deadline: 7 May 2016
Oral and poster sessions: 22-24 June 2016
Pattern recognition techniques have become an important tool for
neuroimaging data analysis. These techniques are helping to elucidate
normal and abnormal brain function, cognition and perception, anatomical
and functional brain architecture, biomarkers for diagnosis and
personalized medicine, and as a scientific tool to decipher neural
mechanisms underlying human cognition. The International Workshop on
Pattern Recognition in Neuroimaging (PRNI) aims to: (1) foster dialogue
between developers and users of cutting-edge analysis techniques in
order to find matches between analysis techniques and neuroscientific
questions; (2) showcase recent methodological advances in pattern
recognition algorithms for neuroimaging analysis; and (3) identify
challenging neuroscientific questions in need of new analysis approaches.
PRNI welcomes submissions on topics including, but not limited to:
* Learning from neuroimaging data
- Algorithms for brain-state decoding or encoding
- Optimization and regularization
- Bayesian analysis of neuroimaging data
- Causal inference and time delay techniques
- Network and connectivity models (the connectome)
- Dynamic and time-varying models
- Dynamical systems and simulations
- Empirical mode decomposition, multiscale decompositions
- Combination of different data modalities
- Efficient algorithms for large-scale data analysis
* Interpretability of models and results
- High-dimensional data visualization
- Multivariate and multiple hypothesis testing
- Summarization and presentation of inference results
* Applications
- Disease diagnosis and prognosis
- Real-time decoding of brain states
- Analysis of resting-state and task-based data
- MEG, EEG, structural MRI, fMRI, diffusion MRI, ECoG, NIRS
Authors should prepare full papers with a maximum length of 4 pages (two
column IEEE style) for double-blind review. Manuscript submission is now
open, and ends 18 March 2016. Accepted manuscripts will be assigned
either to an oral or poster sessions; all accepted manuscripts will be
included in the workshop proceedings.
Joset A. Etzel, Ph.D.
Research Analyst
Cognitive Control & Psychopathology Lab
Washington University in St. Louis
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