[Neuroimaging] Using Python libs from MATLAB

Marmaduke Woodman marmaduke.woodman at univ-amu.fr
Tue Jun 14 15:33:18 EDT 2016

On Tue, Jun 14, 2016 at 5:03 PM, Nathaniel Smith <njs at pobox.com> wrote:

> My prediction is that on Windows and OS X, you actually can use
> inconsistent versions of hdf5 and blas, and it will work. Can you confirm
> this explicitly? It's possible that I'm wrong, but I would be surprised
> because it's actually impossible to get symbol collisions on those
> operating systems unless you really try hard to configure things in an
> extra broken way.
I can confirm that h5py's call into hdf5 results in an abort due to
inconsistent header and library versions (1.8.15 vs 1.8.16 for example). We
can call it something else like ABI mismatch, but nevertheless, it seems
has to use their version of HDF5 or not at all. I wrote to this list partly
so that others interested might help confirm, deny or qualify the
difficulties I stated.

> (I notice they say they're compatible with py27, py33, py34... I wonder
> what compilers they used for that on Windows.)
They are using the C-API to libpython.dll, so probably MSVC..?

> (This might also explain how they could have shipped with basic stuff like
> numpy broken, if they only tested on Windows or something...)
Not broken, but not supported either. The official response (originating
out of a service request for better Python support) was that NumPy isn't a
Python builtin type so they don't want to provide automatic conversions
between ndarray and MATLAB array.

I think though if enough people pester them, they'll add it; I mean what's
the point in not supporting ndarray natively?

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