[Neuroimaging] Contributing

Ruy Valle ruyvalle at yahoo.ca
Tue Sep 13 12:40:23 EDT 2016

Hi Ariel,

Thank you for your response. I am doing fMRI analysis, mostly task-based up until now but I will be getting into resting-state analysis sooner or later. I will probably also start looking at EEG and TMS, but I am not sure how relevant that is for Nipy. I learned to use AFNI at their bootcamp and FSL through my supervisor at work. I recently (yesterday) started working on a project of mine through which I am hoping to clarify what the effect of including motion parameters (estimates of head motion calculated during volume registration/motion correction) in regression models used in fMRI software is. I would say that I have a fair amount of experience in Java but have not used it much as of late, am comfortable enough with Python, R, and MATLAB to really dive into them as much as needed, and have been learning C and Go recently. 

A colleague of mine introduced me to Nipy/Nipype around 5 months ago and I really liked the idea of it. I was still in college at the time and graduated this last semester from McGill University. I have been reading a book on modeling techniques and learning about statistics more generally, so contributing on that side could be nice. I also enjoy learning about algorithms (I implemented a heap sort algorithm in C a few weeks ago). To be honest, I find I still lack enough experience (both in software and in life in general) to pinpoint my preferences, and am open to trying new things, hopefully discovering what most appeals to me, increasing my skills, and making useful contributions along the way.

I hope this helps...
Best wishes,

> Hi Ruy,
> Thanks for your email! If you tell us a little bit more about yourself
> (e.g., what kind of neuroimaging data do you analyze? What are some things
> you would like to implement as part of the nipy effort? What is your
> background in terms of software development?) that would be helpful in
> helping you find a good place to start contributing.
> Cheers,
> Ariel

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