[Neuroimaging] Catching up

David Gutman dagutman at gmail.com
Tue Jul 11 13:09:15 EDT 2017

Thanks!  I'll try it out..

I think we are about ready to gear this up..


Oh yeah.. also how do I load an image as a URL instead of a filename? I
didn't know the syntax..

On Tue, Jul 11, 2017, 12:51 PM Ihar Halchuk <ihalchuk at xbsoftware.com> wrote:

> Hi David,
> nice to have news from  you! Let's schedule a meeting on Thursday  - July
> 13, 2017 at 10.00 your time (17.00 my time)?
> Regarding the cache, you can manage it in the following way (Chrome):
> 1) delete cache - use this way: from the “Menu” (button in the
> upper-right corner of the Chrome window), choose “More Tools” > “Clear
> browsing data…“ and clean cache there.
> 2) disable cache - from the “Menu” (button in the upper-right corner of
> the Chrome window), choose “More Tools” > “Developer tools“. In openned
> window under tab "Network" in upper part mark checkbox  "Disable cache".
> Hope it will help.
> Waiting for your reply.
> 2017-07-11 3:09 GMT+03:00 David Gutman <dagutman at gmail.com>:
>> Ihar--- finally catching up on things, and wanted to schedule a meeting
>> sometime this week to catch up.
>> Also have a couple of questions for the "new" version of the faceted
>> search tool----  so I realized that during debugging it must cache most of
>> the database locally.. which made testing difficult.  Do you know how I can
>> "flush" whatever it's saving in the browser cache?  I haven't used that
>> before..
>> --
>> David A Gutman MD PhD
>> Assistant Professor of Neurology, Psychiatry & Biomedical Informatics
>> Emory University School of Medicine
>> Staff Physician, Mental Health Service Line
>> Atlanta VA Medical Center
> --
> Best regards,
> Halchuk Ihar
> Business analyst,
> XB Software Ltd.
> 3A, Кollektornaya Street
> 220030 Minsk, Belarus
> Skype: ihar.halc
David A Gutman MD PhD
Assistant Professor of Neurology, Psychiatry & Biomedical Informatics
Emory University School of Medicine
Staff Physician, Mental Health Service Line
Atlanta VA Medical Center
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