[Neuroimaging] affine issue (?)

Christophe Pallier christophe at pallier.org
Thu Jul 13 09:40:19 EDT 2017


I have an nii image (a contrast computed by SPM, in the MNI space),
which, according to SPM, has the following affine:

>> V.mat
2   0   0    -74
0   2   0   -108
0   0   2    -66
0   0   0    1

However, the same image loaded with nibabel yields a different affine:
[[   2.            0.            0.          -72.00000763]
 [   0.            2.            0.         -106.        ]
 [   0.            0.            2.          -64.        ]
 [   0.            0.            0.            1.        ]]

Any hint?

Christophe Pallier

Personal web site: http://www.pallier.org
Lab web site: http://www.unicog.org
Email: christophe at pallier.org
Tel: +33 (0) 1 69 08 79 34

INSERM-CEA Cognitive Neuroimaging Lab, Neurospin, bat 145,
91191 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex, FRANCE

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