[Neuroimaging] Request :)

Jon Haitz Legarreta jhlegarreta at vicomtech.org
Mon Nov 6 10:16:41 EST 2017

Hi Lucian,
the example uses the read_cfin_dwi() method to read the data, which is
defined in data/fetcher.py, and loads the CFIN multi b-value diffusion
images and the corresponding gradient tables. The data are downloaded
and stored locally as you run the file. If you want to read another
set of diffusion images, you will need to modify the example to allow
some custom input parameters, and use the
io/gradients.py:read_bvals_bvecs method to load the b-values and
b-vectors, core/gradients.py:gradient_table to load the gradient
table, and finally the nibabel's loadsave.py:load function to load the
DWI images.

Take into account that nibabel's support for DICOM is limited [1]. In
dipy, and neuroimaging in general, it is more common to use NIfTI.


[1] http://nipy.org/nibabel/


On 4 November 2017 at 12:42, Lucian Dimitrievici
<lucian.dimitrievici at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello, my name in Lucian Traian Dimitrievici, I am a PHD student in the Physics and Environmental engineering "Dunarea de Jos", Galati.
> My research concerns medical image processing and segmentation
> Is it possible to run script reconst_dki.py with another set of dates? I have dicom files and I dont where are they read or import
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