[Neuroimaging] Fwd: NCNC3344 multi shell DWI

Ping-Hong Yeh pinghongyeh at gmail.com
Sat Dec 29 18:43:38 EST 2018

Re: failure using DIPY Free Water Elimination DTI

Hi Ariel,

Please find the link for the multishell DWI (90 directions for each shell
with b=3000,2000,1000 plus 19 b0) data.
There is no error using the same data for other models. e.g. NLLS DKI, and
CSD, sfm for fiber tracking.

Thank you.


Hi Ping,

Thanks for your email. Hard to say exactly what is going on without further
information. Could you tell us more about the data you are using? How many
b-values? How many directions? Any chance you could share the data from the
voxel that caused that error to be raised?


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