[Neuroimaging] [DIPY] propagator anisotropy estimation using MAP(L)MRI

Rutger Fick fick.rutger at gmail.com
Wed Jan 17 19:48:26 EST 2018

Hi Ping,

If it's still running and gave only that error then probably it was just a
single voxel that failed and the rest is working. However, I recommend you
first try to fit a smaller dataset (just a few voxels or a single slice)
just to check the results make sense.

I should mention that the code I gave you is slower than Dipy's public
version for reasons I won't get into, so don't worry if you have to wait
longer than before.


On 18 Jan 2018 00:58, "Ping-Hong Yeh" <pinghongyeh at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Rutger,
> Thanks again for the prompt reply.
> Adding "mask" to mapmri have fixed the error; however, another error shows
> up,
> mapfit_L = map_model_L.fit(data,mask=data[..., 0]>0)
> dipy/core/geometry.py:129: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in
> true_divide
>   theta = np.arccos(z / r)
> dipy/reconst/mapmri_pa.py:364: UserWarning: The MAPMRI positivity
> constraint depends on CVXOPT (http://cvxopt.org/). CVXOPT is licensed
> under the GPL (see: http://cvxopt.org/copyright.html) and you may be
> subject to this license when using the positivity constraint.
>   warn(w_s)
> dipy/reconst/mapmri_pa.py:413: UserWarning: Optimization did not find a
> solution
>   warn('Optimization did not find a solution')
> Error: Couldn't find per display information
> It is still running though. Should i stop the running?
> Thank you.
> ping
> On Tue, Jan 16, 2018 at 7:18 PM, Rutger Fick <fick.rutger at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi Ping,
>> Reading the error messages, it looks like you're fitting a masked voxel.
>> The following error:
>> /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/dipy/reconst/mapmri_pa.py:389:
>> RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in divide
>>   data = np.asarray(data / data[self.gtab.b0s_mask].mean())
>> says you're dividing by either zero or NaN, which means your b0 value of
>> that voxel was zero (or you had no b0 values possibly). Note that mapmri
>> needs at least one b0 measurement.
>> I recommend you check if it works when you fit a voxel that you know for
>> sure is in white matter. If it works, you can do something like
>> map_model_L.fit(data, mask=data[..., 0]>0) to use a mask that only fits
>> if the first measured DWI is positive (assuming your first measurement is a
>> b0).
>> Best,
>> Rutger
>> On 16 January 2018 at 23:46, Ping-Hong Yeh <pinghongyeh at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Rutger,
>>> I got an error running the map_model.fit using mapmri_pa. Here is the
>>> scripts i used,
>>> map_model_L = mapmri_pa.MapmriModel(gtab, radial_order=radial_order,
>>>                                laplacian_regularization=True,  # this
>>> regularization enhances reproducibility of estimated q-space indices by
>>> imposing smoothness
>>>                                laplacian_weighting="GCV",  # this makes
>>> it use generalized cross-validation to find the best regularization weight
>>>                                positivity_constraint=True)  # this
>>> ensures the estimated PDF is positive
>>> mapfit_L = map_model_L.fit(data)
>>> , and the error message,
>>> /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/dipy/core/geometry.py:129:
>>> RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in true_divide
>>>   theta = np.arccos(z / r)
>>> /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/dipy/reconst/mapmri_pa.py:364:
>>> UserWarning: The MAPMRI positivity constraint depends on CVXOPT (http:
>>> xopt.org/). CVXOPT is licensed under the GPL (see:
>>> http://cvxopt.org/copyright.html) and you may be subject to this
>>> license when using positivity constraint.
>>>   warn(w_s)
>>> /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/dipy/reconst/mapmri_pa.py:389:
>>> RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in divide
>>>   data = np.asarray(data / data[self.gtab.b0s_mask].mean())
>>> /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/dipy/reconst/mapmri_pa.py:413:
>>> UserWarning: Optimization did not find a solution
>>>   warn('Optimization did not find a solution')
>>> /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/dipy/reconst/mapmri_pa.py:444:
>>> UserWarning: Optimization did not find a solution
>>>   warn('Optimization did not find a solution')
>>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>   File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
>>>   File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/dipy/reconst/multi_voxel.py",
>>> line 33, in new_fit
>>>     fit_array[ijk] = single_voxel_fit(self, data[ijk])
>>>   File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/dipy/reconst/mapmri_pa.py",
>>> line 465, in fit
>>>     coef_iso = coef_iso / sum(coef_iso * self.Bm_iso)
>>> UnboundLocalError: local variable 'coef_iso' referenced before assignment
>>> Any suggestions?
>>> Thank you.
>>> ping
>>> On Fri, Jan 12, 2018 at 6:24 PM, Rutger Fick <fick.rutger at gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Ping,
>>>> Attached is the mapmri code that also has PA, just put it in the
>>>> dipy/reconst/ folder (where also the current mapmri.py file is) and run
>>>> "python setup.py install" from dipy's main folder. That should make it
>>>> usable in the same way as the current mapmri module.
>>>> Note that its based on an old implementation that still works with the
>>>> "cvxopt" optimizer package, so you'll have to install cvxopt to make it run.
>>>> I recommend you use the model with both laplacian regularization and
>>>> positivity constraint, this give the best results in general.
>>>> from dipy.reconst import mapmri_pa
>>>> mapmod = mapmri_pa.MapmriModel(gtab,
>>>>                                laplacian_regularization=True,  # this
>>>> regularization enhances reproducibility of estimated q-space indices by
>>>> imposing smoothness
>>>>                                laplacian_weighting="GCV",  # this makes
>>>> it use generalized cross-validation to find the best regularization weight
>>>>                                positivity_constraint=True)  # this
>>>> ensures the estimated PDF is positive
>>>> mapfit = mapmod.fit(data)
>>>> pa = mapfit.pa()
>>>> Aside from the original MAPMRI citation for Ozarslan et al. (2013),
>>>> note that the relevant citation for dipy's laplacian-regularized MAP-MRI
>>>> implementation is [1].
>>>> [1] Fick, Rutger HJ, et al. "MAPL: Tissue microstructure estimation
>>>> using Laplacian-regularized MAP-MRI and its application to HCP data."
>>>> *NeuroImage* 134 (2016): 365-385.
>>>> Hope it helps and let me know if you need anything else,
>>>> Rutger
>>>> On 12 January 2018 at 21:48, Ping-Hong Yeh <pinghongyeh at gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Roger,
>>>>> Thanks for the prompt reply.
>>>>> May I have the code for estimating PA?
>>>>> Ping
>>>>> On Jan 12, 2018 3:21 PM, "Rutger Fick" <fick.rutger at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Ping,
>>>>>> MAPL is just a name for using laplacian-regularized MAP-MRI. If
>>>>>> you're using the dipy mapmri implementation then you're using MAPL by
>>>>>> default.
>>>>>> From a fitted mapmri model you can estimate overall non-gaussianity
>>>>>> using fitted_model.ng(), and parallel and perpendicular non-Gaussianity
>>>>>> using ng_parallel() and ng_perpendicperpendicularular().
>>>>>> Propagator Anisotropic is not included in the current dipy
>>>>>> implementation. However, I do have a personal version of dipy's mapmri
>>>>>> implementation that includes it, if you're interested.
>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>> Rutger
>>>>>> On 12 January 2018 at 16:49, Ping-Hong Yeh <pinghongyeh at gmail.com>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi DIPY users,
>>>>>>> I would like to know the way of estimating non-Gaussian and PA,
>>>>>>> mentioned in the Avram et al. “Clinical feasibility of using mean
>>>>>>> apparent propagator (MAP) MRI to characterize brain tissue microstructure”
>>>>>>> paper,  using MAPMRI or MAPL model.
>>>>>>> Thank you.
>>>>>>> Ping
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