[Neuroimaging] [ANN] MNE-Python 0.17

Alexandre Gramfort alexandre.gramfort at inria.fr
Tue Nov 20 06:15:45 EST 2018

Dear community,

We are very pleased to announce the new 0.17 release of MNE-Python

A few highlights
- This release will be the last release compatible with Python 2. The
next version will be Python 3.5+ only.
- Better support for Annotations, including readers for EEGLAB,
BrainVision, EDF, CSV, TXT and Brainstorm formats, and a new tutorial
in the documentation to dive in.
- Better support to import data from FieldTrip and Neurmag 122 systems.
- Add capability to read and save Epochs containing complex data (e.g.
after Hilbert transform).
- Add optically pumped magnetometer dataset and examples.
- New source morph object to unify morphing any type of source
estimates (surface or volume) from one subject to another for group
studies. It is now possible to do group studies when working on the
volume with MNE.
- Add ability to read and write beamformers.
- New source power spectral estimation example for resting-state data
- Better support for Reports, now they can be load/saved in HDF5 and
the existing figures from a report can be removed.
- Add support for reading MATLAB v7.3+ for EEGLAB.
- Add interactive visualization of volume source estimates using
- New BIDS-compatible raw filename construction
- Better helmet visualization for Artemis123 and CTF

Notable API changes
- Deprecation of annot and annotmap parameters in mne.io.read_raw_edf
- Deprecated mne.SourceEstimate.morph_precomputed,
mne.SourceEstimate.morph, mne.compute_morph_matrix,
mne.morph_data_precomputed and mne.morph_data in favor of
- Calling mne.Epochs.decimate no longer copies the data when decim=1.
- Warning messages are now only logged when warn_explicit is set
(unless a logging file is being used) to avoid duplicate warning
- src.kind now equals to 'mixed' (and not 'combined') for a mixed
source space (i.e., made of surfaces and volume grids)
- The default value of stop_receive_thread in
mne.realtime.RtEpochs.stop has been changed to True
- Using the mne.io.Raw.add_channels on an instance with memmapped data
will now resize the memmap file to append the new channels on Windows
and Linux
- Mismatches in CTF compensation grade are now checked in inverse computation

For a full list of improvements and API changes, see:


To install the latest release the following command should do the job:

    $ pip install --upgrade mne

As usual, we welcome your bug reports, feature requests, critiques,
and contributions.

Some links:
- https://github.com/mne-tools/mne-python (code + readme on how to install)
- http://martinos.org/mne/stable/ (full MNE documentation)

Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/mne_news

The MNE-Python developers

40 people made commits that contributed to this release (in alphabetical order):

* Alexandre Gramfort
* Antoine Gauthier
* Britta Westner
* Christian Brodbeck
* Clemens Brunner
* Daniel McCloy
* David Sabbagh
* Denis A. Engemann
* Eric Larson
* Ezequiel Mikulan
* Henrich Kolkhorst
* Hubert Banville
* Jasper J.F. van den Bosch
* Jen Evans
* Joan Massich
* Johan van der Meer
* Jona Sassenhagen
* Kambiz Tavabi
* Lorenz Esch
* Luke Bloy
* Mainak Jas
* Marcin Koculak
* Marijn van Vliet
* Peter J. Molfese
* Sam Perry
* Sara Sommariva
* Sergey Antopolskiy
* Sheraz Khan
* Stefan Appelhoff
* Stefan Repplinger
* Steven Bethard
* Teekuningas
* Teon Brooks
* Thomas Hartmann
* Thomas Jochmann
* Tom Dupré la Tour
* Tristan Stenner
* buildqa
* jeythekey

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