[Neuroimaging] Spike sorting with tridesclous : release 1.0.0

Samuel Garcia samuel.garcia at cnrs.fr
Tue Sep 4 10:38:43 EDT 2018

Dear all,

I'm pleased to announce the v1.0.0 release of tridesclous 

This tools could interest researcher that use multi electrode cellular 
electrophysiology recordings.

Tridesclous is a tool for *spike sorting* written in python.


  * can be used *offline* with several formats (binary raw, blackrock,
    neuralynx, plexon, tdt...)
  * can be used *online* with pyacq with several hardware (NI, MCC,
    blackrock, multichannel, ...)
  * methods based on mix of "legacy clustering" + "template matching",
    so it resolve spike collision
  * well design user interface (UI) with multi view. This allow fast and
    precise check of isolated neurons.
  * 2 level for users : script or UI
  * usable from several channel (tetrodes) to some hundreds of channels
    (dense arrays)
  * can use GPU (with opencl) for some step of processing, so it can be fast
  * quick start guide with open data
  * 100% open source

Doc: https://tridesclous.readthedocs.io/en/latest/

Code: https://github.com/tridesclous/tridesclous



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