[Neuroimaging] Obtaining power spectrum for each component

bthirion bertrand.thirion at inria.fr
Tue Aug 6 16:13:59 EDT 2019

On 06/08/2019 19:55, Silvia Russo wrote:
> Hello!
> I am relatively new to fMRI analysis and trying to use open-source 
> python-based methods to do my work.
> I am supposed to run single-subject ICA analysis on 25 subjects, 
> identify 5 resting state networks and look at the averaged low 
> frequency across networks in each subject.
> I am using preprocessed images from the human connectome project and 
> running them through nilearn’s module DictLearn.
> I asked for 10 components (as the images are already preprocessed).
> I had three questions regarding this:
>  1. Is it correct to create a ‘for’ loop that runs DictLearn on each
>     of the 25 subjects and call this a single-subject analysis? If
>     not, what would be a good way to do single-subject ICA without
>     having to use FSL Melodic?
That sounds right.
>  1. How can I automatically identify the specific network each
>     component may represent? E.g. component 1 is 90% likely to
>     represent the default mode network, component 2 is 92% likely to
>     represent the salience network, etc
I'm not aware of such an automated labelling in the Python ecosystem. 
You probably want to do this manually.

>  1. FSL automatically creates power spectrums for each component, how
>     can you do the same in python?
You would have to create a small utility for that using scipy, e.g.



Bertrand Thirion

PS: I would advise to ask such question through the Neurostars interface.
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